Euro Blog


My spider senses are tingling as I pull into Vardø. I can’t quite put my finger on it but something ain’t right. Maybe we’re just that bit nearer to Russia or maybe it’s the 10,000 ft tunnel that separates Vardø from the mainland that makes things feel a little … isolated …

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Heart of Lapland

In Joseph Conrad’s masterpiece (or indeed Apocalypse Now, a film heavily based on it), the protagonist treks for days and days in treacherous conditions towards The Heart of Darkness. He is confronted with increasingly bizarre and  disturbing objects, symbols and actions that demonstrate the savagery of the native people.

I’m minded of this I pull into a roadside shop that is selling Sami art…

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The MAMIL: a peculiarly british creature

The British didn’t invent cycling although, post Wiggins, Pendleton, Hoy et al, they would have you believe so. The Middle Aged Man In Lycra (MAMIL) is an oft-sighted creature in Britain today. In cities up and down the nation they surge past, face contorted into a curious mixture of pain and pleasure that seems to scream “Queen and Country”. For when the Brits take to something, they go at hammer and tongs, full of sound and fury, as evidenced in our approach to the beautiful game.

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Au revoir

There’s nothing more hilarious than a monoglottist attempting to communicate with a foreign comrade using only the power of gesticulation, especially when there is the aroma of a liaisons etranger in the kitchen. Its the sort of thing that would have Radio 4 listeners in stitches at 6:30pm on a Monday evening week after week, month after month, year after year. In this case, a prawn sandwich proved to be a mime too far, despite the eventual deployment of the, what I had previously assumed to be universal and thus fail-safe, wavy-fingers-above-the-head routine. The lady in question, I’m sorry to report, had to content herself with the Kent Crisps.

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